Boise-Based Personal Trainer Gets Financially ‘Fit’

As a fitness consultant and owner of a personal training studio, 31-year-old Charity M. coveted a lifelong goal to help others realize their true potential.

After 10 years of managing her fitness business while training eight clients daily, Charity was wandering in a “fog” and fighting to keep up with her clients.

Then, her friend Alexandria introduced her to Isagenix in November 2013. Charity began the 9-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System to cleanse her body of toxins.

“My energy went through the roof,” says the Idaho native. “The fog was lifted. I was more present with clients, and dropped 8 pounds of body fat, gained 2 pounds of muscle and dropped four percent body fat.”*

Get The System Charity Used

before and after photos of Charity who used Isagenix Cleansing System

Vegas Luck

Although Isagenix was a new solution for her health, Charity never considered the financial aspect of the business.

It took a girls’ trip to Vegas to change that.

“Alexandria bought me a ticket to Celebration last year, and the only reason I went was because it was in Vegas,” laughs Charity. “But once I saw the Isagenix culture, the vision behind it and how many lives were changing physically, as well as financially, I could not help but be excited.”

So excited, in fact, that she couldn’t sleep at night.

“I was just so thrilled about the possibilities of not having to train eight clients every day and trade time for money,” recalls Charity.

Even more, she and her firefighter husband, Chris, were fighting debt, paying off student loans, purchasing a new home and planning for a family.

Suffice to say, the stress was building. And Charity and her husband were hoping for the financial freedom they always wanted.

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Charity Working Out. She helps others lose weight with proper training and Isagenix

An Aha Moment

Many health companies had approached Charity with their products to supply at her personal training studio, but her response was always the same: “I don’t sell things.”

After the Celebration conference, Charity’s perspective on “selling” shifted.

“It’s interesting because I didn’t realize that I was actually selling without thinking—all day, everyday,” says Charity about her aha moment. “I was getting clients to pay $60 to $70 for a training session, or getting trainers to pay rent at my studio, or having clients purchasing workout clothes.”

Now this 1-Star Golden Circle, Crystal Executive and her husband earn between $28,000 and $53,000 per year through Isagenix.**

“My goal is to create ten other six-figure earners on my team within the year,” says Charity. “And then my husband and I hope to be Isagenix Millionaires within the next few years.”

With the extra income, the couple’s student debt is now officially paid off.

Best of all? Charity and her husband can now afford to build a custom home and begin planning for a family.

“Isagenix has what 98 percent of the people in the world want,” reflects Charity. “It parallels my belief that we are all here for a good purpose, and that’s not to be buried in debt and barely scraping by.”

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