How Plants Detox Your Home

Plants are widely used to beautify spaces, but more than that, plants also promote good health.

It is a well-known fact that plants provide freshness to the air and being closer to greenery helps one feel relaxed.

If you are conscious of the pollutants and toxins present in the indoor air, consider buying some indoor plants.

According to one NASA study, indoor plants help reduce some common chemical pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene.

It further explored that plant roots and microorganisms play a major role in the removal of chemicals.

According to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency, the quality of indoor air is among the top five risks to health.

How Plants Detox Your Home

How Indoor Plants Help You

Here are just a few ways that having indoor plants can help you:

1. Prevent Illness

The transpiration process of plants contributes to 10 percent of moisture in the air and by placing plants indoors, they increase humidity.

While in hot summer months, this might be unappealing, but in drier months, it could be really good for our health.

According to studies conducted at the Agricultural University of Norway, indoor plants help decrease the occurrence of sore throat, colds, dry skin, and cough.

2. Help Breathing

We all know that while humans need oxygen to survive and exhale carbon dioxide during the breathing process, plants do the opposite, making them great partners by increasing oxygen levels indoors.

But, while choosing the type of indoor plants, be careful as plants reverse the process at night.

Certain plants such as succulents, orchids, and epiphytic bromeliads do not follow the pack and should be used in bedrooms to keep the oxygen coming at night.

3. Enhance Healing

We’ve all thought of taking a plant to a sick friend, but did you realize plants can have real medicinal value too?

Viewing plants after surgery, according to a study conducted at Kansas State University, led to lower pain, anxiety, and blood pressure, significantly improving physiological responses.

Tending to plants not only helps one feel fresh but has also been seen in patients to reduce recovery time after a procedure.

4. Help Provide Cleaner Air

Tight spaces and sealed buildings give rise to toxic vapors and other chemicals that become a source of harm to health.

Indoor plants help clear the air and improve the quality of which we breathe.

It is recommended that indoor plants should be spaced at 100 square feet to clear the air evenly.

The air inside homes is rich with toxins and air pollutants that arise from smoking, furnaces, fireplaces, cleaning products, scented products, and dust particles present in molds and pet dander.

Some specific plants that help reduce indoor pollutants include golden pothos, dracaena marginatas (dragon trees), Peace lily, gerbera daisy, English ivy, bamboo palm, spider plants, and azalea.

Bottom Line

Using indoor plants will not only help you get rid of these pollutants and provide clean air for breathing but also make for great indoor decor.

Along with having potted plants in your home, make sure you also open your windows often.

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