What’s Wrong With BPA?

BPA, or Bisphenol A, is chemical that has been in use for more than 40 years to harden plastic.

It is present in the majority of the consumer products such as medical devices, water bottles, plastic food containers, dental sealants, and baby products.  BPA can also be inhaled through air, water, or dust, and by eating canned foods.

It’s of major concern lately by the AAP because of how it can affect our children.

What's Wrong With BPA?

Related: Cleanse toxins with the Superfood Cleansing System

The Risks of BPA

Exposure to any kind of chemical is harmful and there are no definite human studies to prove that BPA has caused harms in humans. However, several animal studies have revealed that it can cause effects on the brains, in infants and young children, on behavior and prostate glands in fetuses.

As of July 2018, the AAP issued a policy statement about the substances our kid’s food comes in contact with. They are suggesting not to wash plastics in the dishwasher and not to microwave food in plastic.

Some health concerns of exposure are:

  • BPA can disturb normal hormonal levels in the body by acting like a hormone. It can also disrupt normal fetus and baby development. However, results in animals have shown mixed results.
  • BPA can have possible effects on behavior and on brain activity in children, revealed after a review of the evidence at the FDA.
  • BPA exposure can lead to cancer development in later stages, reveal some animal studies.
  • High levels of BPA in the body can put a person at risk for heart diseases. These results have been found in two studies, but the evidence yet has not uncovered a strong link.
  • BPA exposure can lead to diabetes, obesity, and ADHD and asthma.
  • Infants and young children are more at risk of the adverse effects of BPA because of being in development stages.

What You Can Do To Reduce Your Exposure

One report carried out by the Silent Spring Institute and Breast Cancer Fund in the US found out that a three-day fresh food diet lowered BPA levels in children and adults considerably. Isn’t that amazing? Just 3 days!

Fortunately, I knew about the dangers of BPA when my children were babies but if you didn’t just start today to reduce your exposure.

Simple things will go a long way and you don’t have to do it all at once. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed like I was. Just make little changes each day.

Pick one of these 5 simple things this week to help reduce your exposure to BPA:

  • Reduce your consumption of canned foods and drinks
  • Purchase food products in glass bottles
  • Use glass containers to store leftovers
  • Only microwave food in glass containers
  • Consume fresh foods whenever possible

What do you think? Can you make changes this week to reduce your BPA exposure?