Gardening Helps Your Health

Gardening is a hobby that not only the elderly but also the young should take up.

Apart from it providing a workout to the muscles as you tend to your rose bushes and plants, gardening has numerous other health benefits, too.  

The smell of blossoming flowers is refreshing, stimulating the brain cells and allowing us to feel fresh.

Let’s look at how maintaining and growing a garden can affect your health positively.


Increases Physical Activity

To stay healthy means that you are active, and gardening allows you to do just that. It boosts physical activity by using all major muscle groups, improving coordination, and eventually burning calories.

Whether it is summer, winter, or fall, tending to your garden will automatically build more physical activity in your lifestyle allowing you to remain active and fresh.

Helps Build Endurance and Flexibility

Activities that makeup gardening are perfect for building endurance and flexibility.

These movements include bending and reaching, lifting and shoveling, all of which contribute to muscle strength and flexibility.

Gardening also makes you dig, rake, weed, and turn the compost, making you sweat and build endurance.

Provides Relief

Gardening is an activity that keeps you busy and active, helping you to relax your mind and get away from miniscule daily problems for the time being.

Fresh smell of flowers and soil helps curtail stress and provide refreshment to the mind. It helps you to reconnect with nature and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

According to one study, compared with other leisure activities, gardening helps fight stress better. After a long tiring day at work, gardening might really be the best option to provide some relaxation to the brain.

Technology is also eating up our brains’ comfort levels making us feel irritated and become distracted; a couple of minutes of gardening activity and help calm the raging thoughts in the mind and develop comfort.


Improves Mental Health

Growing flowers and vegetables can also help you find relief from bad mood and depression symptoms.

In one study, participants who suffered from depression, low mood, and bipolar disorder were made to spend 6 hours gardening. After three months, their results revealed significant improvements in their symptoms. Not only that, but their mood also started to improve henceforth.

Better Nutrition

If you have a well-maintained garden, you can also grow your own organic food, which contributes to indulging in healthier and nutritious food.

By growing your own fruits and vegetables, you know they’re fresh, healthy, and fit for consumption.

Bonding and Educational

Children are often interested in learning about new things, and if you’re maintaining a garden and also involving your kids in it, it will give you great bonding time 

Enjoying your own homegrown foods together is fun and satisfying plus it’s a great education when you are watching your garden grow and flourish.  Since we homeschool we spend many hours of the day outside in good weather and the garden is our favorite place to hut lizards, butterflies and ladybugs.

We are going on our 4th year of having a garden. Each year we have more fun at it.

The first year was a lot of work but the upkeep has been easy. My daughters love picking out what to plant each year and often eat the vegetables straight from the garden.

We have a designated clipboard with our grids and the planting dates are written in.

Our favorite vegetable to grow is a radish because it only takes about 25 days to be ready to eat. It’s almost like instant gratification. Typically, the girls don’t even like radishes but they do when they’ve grown them.

 Carrots, on the other hand, take much longer to grow and they get pulled a little sooner than they should but we still think they taste good!


Need Help Starting Your Garden?

My advice for first-time gardeners is to purchase the 2 books below and combine what you learn in both to build your garden and maintain it.

They are simple to read and easy to understand.  

Other than googling how to maintain my grapevine and a website for what to grow when/in Texas those are the only books I’ve used.

All New Square Foot Gardening, Second Edition: The Revolutionary Way to Grow More In Less Space by Mel Bartholomew 

Lasagna Gardening: A New Layering System for Bountiful Gardens: No Digging, No Tilling, No Weeding, No Kidding! by Patricia Lanza

Do you plan to have a garden this year? Let me know how it goes.