Category: Health

Perfect Teacher Gift

It's gotta be hard figuring out the perfect Christmas gift for your child's teacher.  Obviously, they don't need another thing to sit on their desk or another ornament. How about something healthy that will be consumed rather than sit around [...]

3 Reasons You Need A Shower Filter

You may not have thought of this but research suggests that the water we inhale or absorb through the skin during a shower is more harmful to our health than the unfiltered water we drink. This is because water is [...]

4 Reasons To Avoid Triclosan

I don't know about you but it's hard to keep up with everything that is toxic. Thankfully this information is becoming mainstream. For instance, you've probably heard that some ingredients in soap and hand sanitizers may not be good for [...]

Supercharge Your Immune System

When I learned about the Isagenix Immune Spray all 4 of us started using it. I had a really bad cold last year and this product helped me recover and no one else got sick. Isamune With Zinc includes a [...]

Transform Your Body. Transform Your Life.

I believe that transformations are for everybody. Embrace your full potential. Transform your body with the Isagenix 30 Day Superfood Cleansing System. Transform your life with renewed energy and health! Are You Up For The Challenge? Get Started Today! The Isagenix 30 [...]

Yes, I admit it. I love coffee!

If you've read any of my posts on facebook you know I really enjoy coffee. I might go as far as to say I'm addicted to that warm delicious cup in the morning. When I set up my coffee maker [...]

Isagenix Superfoods For Kids

Yes! Children can use the Isagenix products and get benefits, too. The Isagenix products aren't just for weight loss. Many parents give their kids the Isagenix shakes, fruits, and bars. My girls eat a variety of the Isagenix products each week [...]

Why You Should Choose Whey Protein Over Soy Protein

The use of protein supplements is becoming popular among both athletes and non-athletes alike. Supplements help us get in enough protein daily to help rebuild cells and tissues, protect enzyme function, keep fluids balanced, also contribute to skin, hair, and [...]