Here you’ll find the price comparison between the essential oils from Isagenix, Young Living, and Doterra.
For the record, I have tried all 3 brands of essential oils and I’ve been using a variety of essential oils for the last 8 years.
Isagenix has only 10 essential oils. They are not an oil company, however, they understand that an essential part of wellness is reducing your exposure to toxins, and using essential oils is an easy way to do that.
Taking control of your toxin exposure is taking control of your health!
Essential Oil Prices Compared
I’ve attempted to compare the products according to what is on the 3 company websites and what I know about the oils. Feel free to comment or send me a message if you see a mistake.
The single oils from each company are pretty straightforward in the chart. I only compared the 15 ml bottles of each company.
Take note that the Young Living Vitality Oils are the only oils Young Living recommends for ingesting but these oils only come in 5 ml bottles. So if you want to compare prices of ingestible oils you would multiply the Vitality price x 3 to show the exact price equivalent to the DoTerra and Isagenix ingestible oils.
- Frankincense Vitality – 30.50 (x3) = $91.50
- Lavender Vitality – 12.00 (x3) =$36.00
- Lemon Vitality – 6.25 (x3) =18.85
- Peppermint Vitality – 10.25 (x3) = $30.75
Important: None of the companies recommend ingesting their Respiratory Blends, Tea Tree, or Eucalyptus.
Please Note: These are the wholesale prices. You must have a membership with the company to get these prices.
How To Use The Essential Oils In The List
Each company has designated how their oils can be used. I created this legend to help you identify which oils you can ingest, use topically, or diffuse.
T = Topically
I = Ingest
A =Aromatically/Diffuse
Essential Oil Blend Ingredients Compared
The blends from each company aren’t exactly the same. I’ve listed the ingredients for each one according to what I found on the company websites.
Digestive Blend
Tumbliss – Dill, Spearmint, Peppermint, Lemon, Carrot Seed, Cardamon, Lemongrass, and Ginger. T I A
Digestzen – Anise Seed, Peppermint, Ginger, Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed, Tarragon Plant, and Fennel Seed. T I A
Digize Vitality – Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Lemongrass, Anise, Patchouli, and Fennel Seed. T I A
Respiratory Blend
Airway – Eucalyptus, Lemon Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Grapefruit, Rosemary, and Thyme. T A
Breathe – Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Cardamom, Ravintsara, and Ravensara. T A
R.C.– Eucalyptus, Myrtle, Marjoram Leaf, Pine Leaf, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Cypress, Black Spruce leaf, and Peppermint. T A
Raven – Ravintsara, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, and Wintergreen. T A
Protective Blend
Defense Shield – Lemon, Frankincense, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Clove, and Cinnamon Bark. T I A
On Guard – Wild Orange Peel, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Leaf, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Leaf, and Rosemary. T I A
Thieves Vitality – Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiata, Cinnamon Bark, and Rosemary. T I A
Metabolic Blend
Content – Copaiba, Orange, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Mandarin, Lemongrass, Citronella, and Cinnamon Bark. T I A
Slim and Sassy – Grapefruit Peel, Lemon Peel, Peppermint Plant, Ginger Root, and Cinnamon Bark. T I A
Slique – Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, Ocotea, and Stevia. T I A
How To Get Started With Essential Oils
If you are new to essential oils you may feel overwhelmed by looking at that list of 10 different essential oils from 3 different companies.
I get it, I was, too. When I first started using essential oils I started with about 10 essential oils.
Unless you are working on a specific health issue you will find a set of the basic oils that will serve many purposes in your home.
Cleaning, detoxing, immune support, and skincare can all be done with about 10 oils. It’s really amazing how versatile oils are.
Related: 20 Essential Oil Recipes Using The Top 6 Essential Oils
How To Purchase Isagenix Essential Oils
I know it is tempting to purchase your basic oils on Amazon but just one search will bring up about 10 different brands and it is very difficult to know if you’re getting the oils direct from the company or another source.
In many cases, you will not be able to check the quality of the product nor get a product guarantee with your purchase on Amazon.
Don’t take chances with your health. Purchase quality oils from the start.
Here’s what I suggest:
Purchase a starter kit based on your budget and go from there.
For instance, the Isagenix Starter Kit has 6 of the most popular essential oils and is a great place to start.
If your budget allows, get the full collection that includes all 10 Isagenix Essential Oils, diffuser, and carrier oil. This will last a very long time.
Text me at 214-533-0328 for the latest discount coupons or specials.
Essence Isagenix Essential Oils FAQ
Which Essence Essential Oils Are Safe To Ingest?
Certain essential oils can be added to foods and beverages to invigorate flavor and aroma among other benefits. Content, TumBliss, Defense Shield, Lavender, Lemon, Frankincense, and Peppermint are safe to ingest.
Add a drop of Isagenix Essence Essential Oil to at least 8 fluid ounces of liquid. Because essential oils are potent even a small amount can provide great flavor and benefits. Try dipping a toothpick into the oil and stirring it into your shake or cleanse drink.
Do not consume Airway™ Blend, Tea Tree Essential Oil, or Eucalyptus Essential Oil.
Are There Any Synthetic Ingredients Or Additives In Essence Essential Oils?
With Essence by Isagenix Essential Oil collection, you can be sure the oils are unadulterated, 100 percent pure, and third-party tested. Essential oils can be adulterated with synthetic compounds and additives, so it’s important to choose oils that come with no-compromise quality.
Are The Isagenix Essential Oils Tested For Heavy Metals, Pesticides, or Purity?
As a new member of the Isagenix product line, Essence Essential Oils come with Isagenix No-Compromise Commitment. Every oil in our Essence line is carefully selected and third-party tested as well as backed by our No-Compromise Commitment to quality.
What Diffuser Do You Recommend?
If you don’t have a diffuser I recommend purchasing this one on Amazon. Buy it if you see it under $20. It’s a great price and perfect for your child or even to give as a gift. You can find more decorative diffusers but we like this basic one because it is portable and I’m not worried if my girls drop it.
How Do I Learn How To Use The Isagenix Essential Oils?
I’ve written a post that includes specific directions for each of the Isagenix Essential Oils. You can read it here.
Also, go here to find 20 Essential Oil recipes that only include the 6 single Essence Oils.
What diffusers would you recommend?
Hi Fred,
I have several diffusers including the Isagenix diffuser. It’s a great diffuser but our favorite is a small one I found on Amazon.
Here is the link to it.