Are your hard-earned abs trapped under a layer of flab?
The Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing System is the key to making your muscles “pop”.
By combining fat-busting Cleanse For Life with muscle-building IsaLean Protein Shakes, you could be sporting that six-pack and healthy body you’ve always wanted faster than you think.
Building muscle and shedding unwanted body fat at the same time can be difficult because enough calories and high-quality protein must be eaten to prevent muscle breakdown.
That’s where many diet plans go wrong.
Sure, you will lose weight quickly on popular juice cleanses and other very low-calorie and low-protein diets.
But most of this will be water and muscle, and little will be fat.
In the aftermath of the crash diet, you will be left with a slower metabolism, a less shapely physique, and an exceptional ability to store fat quickly.
The Isagenix 30 Cleanse System Is Different
The Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing System is designed to transform your body by allowing you to build muscle and burn fat while keeping your metabolism high.
The secret lies in the combination of scientifically supported Shake Days and Cleanse Days.
During Shake Days the right type and amount of protein are consumed to maximize muscle synthesis when coupled with weight training.
During Cleanse Days the body efficiently melts away fat.
Although taking a day or two to abstain from eating on cleanse days may seem counterintuitive for muscle-building goals, disruption to the muscle-building process will be avoided when cleansing is done right and in combination with weight lifting during high-protein shake days.
Studies have shown that Cleanse Days along with intermittent fasting are great for obliterating fat stores and transforming the body, even in the muscle-minded.
Cleanse Days Shrink Fat Cells
To say fat is a fact of life is an understatement—fat is a fact of about 40 billion cells!
That’s how many fat cells the average adult has, and unfortunately, that number can only increase; it can’t decrease.
Think of fat cells like balloons.
They start to fill up whenever calorie intake exceeds calories burned, and keep on inflating until they can’t inflate anymore.
Once this happens, it can trigger the creation of new fat cells that are ready to be filled.
Even though the body cannot lose any fat cells, it can still shrink them into almost non-existence.
Cleanse Days help in this process because more calories are burned than eaten so the body will start to use fat for fuel, and this causes fat cells to shrink.
Performing cleanse days on a regular or semi-regular basis means you’re giving your fat cells a repeated dose of fat-cell shrinkage, which equals more visible muscle and a more toned body.
Ready To Get Started? Buy Your Isagenix 30 Day System Here
Cleanse Days Boost Muscle-Building Compounds, Helping To Prevent Muscle Loss
Not only is human growth hormone an important part of muscle building but it also plays a role in preventing muscle breakdown and increasing fat burning.
Cleanse Days are known to boost the production of growth hormones.
Fasting for just one day has been shown to increase growth hormone by an average of 1,300 percent in women, and nearly 2,000 percent in men.
This increase in growth hormone is one of the main reasons why completing a Cleanse Day will not abolish long-term, muscle-building goals.
Growth hormone helps to defend against muscle loss on Cleanse Days by increasing the body’s use of fat for fuel.
By forcing the body to rely on fat stores for energy rather than on protein hijacked from muscle, muscle loss can be minimized and fat burning can be maximized.
Additionally, fasting increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, which is another hormone important to muscle-minded people.
Insulin is important for muscle growth because it helps deliver sugar eaten during a meal to muscle where it can be used for energy during activity.
Sensitivity to insulin is critical for meeting muscle-building and fat-burning goals because dietary carbohydrates can be efficiently used by muscle to stimulate growth rather than being converted to fat.
Shake Days Plus Resistance Training Maximize Muscle Gain
The IsaLean® and IsaLean Pro Shakes offer the perfect post-Cleanse Day nutrition to stimulate maximum muscle building.
Both are high in whey protein, which is superior to other protein types for promoting muscle maintenance at rest or for bolstering muscle building after exercise.
This is because whey protein is high in the amino acid leucine, which is seen by the body as the trigger for muscle growth.
In addition, whey protein is absorbed and delivered to muscle quickly, further strengthening muscle synthesis.
No other protein has more research behind it showing superiority for muscle building, fat burning, and healthy weight management than whey.
And studies have shown that the best nutritional strategy to maximize muscle growth and manage weight is to eat 20 to 40 grams of quality protein at regular intervals throughout the day —exactly what happens during Shake Days.
By combining the Isagenix nutritional cleansing regimen of Shake and Cleanse Days with a regular gym routine, you’ll have everything you need to achieve a toned, trim body, and to get those muscles to “pop”.
Buy Your Isagenix 30-Day Cleanse
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