Are you worried about how to survive Isagenix Cleanse Day?
No worries!
You can do it.
Read these tips below and use the snack chart and check off list near the end to keep track of your cleanse day.
Isagenix Cleanse Days can be a little scary if you’ve never done one before.
No worries, it’s easier than you think if you follow these tips and tricks.
Note: Scan to the bottom for printable cleanse day tracker.
>>Click Here If You Still Need To Buy Your Isagenix Products
Cleanse Days Are Not About Eating
First things, first.
Cleanse Days aren’t about eating.
Cleanse days are about allowing your body to cleanse toxins and recharge.
So you won’t find a long list of snacks you can eat on a cleanse day but read on to learn a few tips and snack ideas that will help you make it through cleansing and get the maximum benefits.
When you get your Isagenix 30 Day System or Isagenix 9 Day System, you will receive a step-by-step guide that will walk you through both Cleanse Days and Shake Days, the two basic components of your system.
Cleanse Days aren’t complicated, but they are very different from the usual daily routine.
Download the Isalife App if you are one who likes to use your phone to keep notes and track your progress.
Two Ways To Cleanse
When you first get started using the Isagenix cleansing system you can choose to cleanse daily or do a full-day cleanse.
Daily Use:
One way to use Isagenix Cleanse for Life is as a daily supplement.
This involves incorporating it into your regular routine by supporting your body’s detoxification pathways and overall well-being. Daily use is more focused on maintaining a healthy balance and supporting your body’s natural processes.
✔Drink a serving in the morning when you wake or at night before bed.
Cleanse Days:
Cleanse Days are designed to give your digestive system a break and encourage detoxification.
✔Drink 4 servings of Cleanse For Life spaced evenly throughout the day.
When you use the Isagenix Cleansing System for the first month you can also choose a few snacks to help you manage cravings and provide steady energy while still keeping calories very low.
Click here if you are looking for shake days tips
Planning Your Cleanse Days
The general goal is to significantly limit calories for a period of time (a total of four days per month) while receiving nourishment from Cleanse for Life.
Cleanse Days are a form of Intermittent Fasting.
If you’ve read my post about Intermittent Fasting you learned that there are many different ways to do it.
If this is your first exposure to fasting you might think it is strange not to eat when you’ve thought all your life that you must eat to keep your metabolism up.
As it turns out, that information is not true.
Isagenix fasting routine allows you to drink 4 servings of Cleanse for Life, spaced evenly throughout the day in the morning, noon, late afternoon, and evening.
Your mid-morning and early evening cleanse day snack options include:
These are the snacks you can buy from Isagenix but remember, you will get the best results if you don’t snack.
- One to two IsaDelight chocolates
- One to two Isagenix Snack wafers
- One serving of AMPED Hydrate (use to fuel light exercise if you need it).
- One to two servings of e+ Shots (use to fuel light exercise if you need it).
- One to two cans of BEA Energy Drink
- One bag Isagenix Whey Thins, when divided throughout the day is the only snack option.
- One bag Isagenix Harvest Thins
- One serving Isagenix Peanut Butter Snack Bites
- One serving Collagen Bone Broth
In addition to Cleanse for Life and cleanse day-approved snacks, stay hydrated with your choice of calorie-free beverages, such as plain, unsweetened coffee or tea, herbal tea, and water throughout the day.
What Can You Substitute For Isagenix Snacks?
If you didn’t buy extra Isagenix snacks you will be ok and probably save yourself some money.
First, if hunger strikes, try your best to manage it without snacks.
While fasting might not be easy, especially for beginners, remember that it’s more of a mental challenge.
Your body will tap into its fat stores for energy, so you won’t starve.
You can substitute these snacks for the Isagenix snacks in the schedule:
- A Few Slices of Apple
- Cucumbers
- A Tablespoon of Peanut Butter
- A Serving of Almonds
How To Do A Cleanse Day
This sample Cleanse Day schedule is one example of how you can organize your day.
Early Morning
- 1 serving Ionix Supreme
- 1 cup Isagenix Coffee (or BEA)
- 2 Isagenix Snacks
- 1 Natural Accelerator capsule
- 1 deep cleansing serving of Cleanse for Life
- 2 IsaDelight chocolates
- 1 deep cleansing serving of Cleanse for Life
- 2 Isagenix Snacks
- 1 deep cleansing serving of Cleanse for Life
- 1 Natural Accelerator capsule
Optional: Go for a walk, or perform light exercises such as stretching or yoga
- 1 deep cleansing serving Cleanse for Life
- 1-2 IsaFlush capsules
- 2 Isagenix Snacks
Cleanse Day Example Schedules
I’ve collected other cleanse day schedules, Isagenix info, and tips on Pinterest.
Customize Your Cleanse Days
If you don’t feel ready to try a full day at first, there’s nothing wrong with gradually easing into Cleanse Days.
For example, you might prefer to start out with a 12- or 16-hour “mini cleanse” as a way to experiment with Cleanse Days and see what works best for you.
How To Do A Mini Cleanse
In this approach, you begin your day by following a typical Cleanse Day schedule, and then break your Cleanse Day in the late afternoon or evening with an IsaLean Shake.
Add Extra Snacks Your First Time
Another way to gradually ease into Cleanse Days might be to add a couple of extra snacks, like a bag of Whey Thins or an extra IsaDelight.
Especially when you are new to nutritional cleansing, relying on additional Cleanse Day snacks can help you be successful.
Just keep in mind that extra calories add up quickly.
Be Flexible
Like any skill, cleansing gets better with practice, and before long, you’ll be planning your next Cleanse Day with confidence.
Cleanse Days are flexible, and as long as you keep the general guidelines from the System Guide for Weight Loss in mind, you can tailor them to suit your personal preferences.
There Is No Such Thing As Failure
Keep this in mind.
There is no failure in this program or any lifestyle change.
You simply start over the next day.
Eating on a cleanse day may not help you reach your goals as fast as if you fasted longer but you are still getting to your goal so don’t give up.
Fasting and cleansing are tools you can use for a lifetime.
It’s actually amazing that since I started Intermittent Fasting and using Cleanse For Life 5 years ago that I don’t constantly think about food anymore.
You would think it would be the opposite but it’s not.
Keep reading to learn some of my best tips to help you make it thru your cleanse days.
Tips For Successful Cleanse Days
Try these tips and tricks to help you make it thru your cleanse days. If you need help, reach out to me. I’m here to help.
1) Don’t Jump Into Fasting And Cleansing Without Prepping Your Body
I’ve found that when I clean up my diet a few days before fasting and cleansing is so much easier.
The day before your first Cleanse Day have at least two Shake Days.
Allow your body to adjust to clean eating and then try a cleanse day.
There are many people who have gotten great results from Isagenix without doing full cleanse days.
So if you aren’t ready right away.
Just keep doing Shake Days and stop eating junk.
2) Plan Your Cleanse Days
It will be helpful to you if you plan your cleanse day ahead of time.
For instance, many people cleanse on Mondays as a way to start off the week refreshed and to cleanse from any junk food they ate over the weekend.
3) Cleanse With A Friend
Doing cleanse days are always easier with a friend.
When I first started fasting and cleansing it was easier when Dave did it with me.
Now, after 6 years I can make dinner for the girls and I’m not even tempted. (well, most days).
If you need support for your cleanse days and you don’t have a friend to do it with you, be sure to reach out to me.
4) Have Your Cleanse Day Snacks Ready
Don’t do a cleanse without being prepared.
Know in advance what snacks you will allow yourself to eat.
You can make it through cleansing days with only the IsaSnacks.
You don’t have to have anything else.
The Isadelights and Isa Whey Thins are helpful but don’t freak out if you didn’t order them.
5) Clean Your Fridge Out
It does make it easier to cleanse when you aren’t tempted by junk food.
Typically, it’s easier to eat healthier that way anyway.
I try not to have junk food in the house and just indulge when I’m out or at a friend’s house.
That helps me from binging on junk food.
6) Stay Hydrated
Be sure to drink plenty of water on cleanse days.
It will help your body flush out toxins.
Be sure to drink pure water especially avoid tap water if you can since it contains toxins that you are trying to get rid of. If you don’t like plain water, try drinking lemon water.
If you get a headache, remind yourself this is normal when your body is detoxing.
For most people, this is not dangerous but please check with your doctor if you have any concerns.
If you don’t get a headache, it doesn’t mean you aren’t detoxing either.
7) Stay Busy
If you don’t work out of the home it may be harder to avoid food on cleanse days.
I try to plan errands or projects with my kids on those days.
Stay out of the kitchen if you can.
8) Drink Coffee or Tea
KAL Pure Stevia Extract, Organic,
Aside from water, coffee and tea can be really helpful on fasting and cleanse days.
To avoid adding additional toxins to your day by drinking only organic coffee or tea whenever possible.
We enjoy drinking the Isagenix coffee but there are other organic brands you can try.
You can add a bit of stevia if you need to sweeten your coffee. (Try this organic brand is the one we use).
9) Go To Bed Early
When I go to bed early on cleanse days I sleep better so that way I get in bed before my body is screaming out for food.
Try sleeping through about 8-10 hours of your fasting time.
10) Recognize It’s Ok To Feel Hungry
Did you know you won’t die from those hunger pains?
In fact, when you feel hungry it’s your body telling you it needs more energy.
If you give it a chance it will reach down to your fat stores to get the energy.
If you feed that growling stomach you will miss out on the opportunity to burn some fat!
Bonus Tip!
11) Stay Off Pinterest
During your first cleanse day you may think about food more often than normal.
Don’t do your meal planning for the week on a cleanse day.
Pick a shake day to work on that and discover new foods you can eat for your 3rd meal and snacks.
Printable Cleanse Day Tracker
This cleanse day tracker will help you make it thru your cleanse days.
Select 10 “cleanse credits” each day you cleanse.
Remember, this is just a guide to make it work for you. Don’t be a slave to the schedule and don’t get stressed out by it.
Click Here To Open and Print The Cleanse Day Tracker
If You Feel You Need To Stop – Just Stop
If you decide to stop halfway through your cleanse day it is no big deal. Pat yourself on the back and be proud you made it as long as you did.
Any time spent cleansing and fasting will benefit your body.
The next time try cleansing from 12 noon to 12 noon to make 24 hours but you get to eat on both days.
Maybe you decide never to do a full cleanse day. That’s OK, too. Remember, many people have lost weight without ever doing a cleanse day.
Thank you Stacy for these tips and tricks. I have done a few cleanse days, but this is my first 2-day cleanse. I have all of the Isagenix approved snacks and I am determined to get through 2 days. This is day one and I’m already looking forward to my first shake on Friday. LOL
I’m keeping this page on my work computer so I can reference it as the day continues.
Thanks again for your support!
Hi Karin, I’m glad I could help. Let me know how your 2 day cleanse went. How did you feel? What kind of results have you had on the products so far?
This is a super helpful list of resources and ideas. I’ve cleansed before but got off the wagon. Trying to start up again now. Besides apple slices, isa delights, or whey thins, what other snack options would you recommend trying out?
Honestly, to get the best results you should try to snack as little as possible. I know, not the answer most people want to hear but the idea is to keep eating to a minimum unless you get light headed. You can sip on some bone broth or try some celery sticks.